Medicine Policy
- ¨Any student receiving any medication must have signed consent from the parent and medical provider per B.O. STU 11.
- ¨Daily and twice daily medications must be administered at home prior to the start of the school day and after school.
- ¨Medications ordered for three times daily should be administered at home whenever possible.
- ¨Daily medication will NOT be administered on an ‘as needed’ basis if forgotten at home.
- ¨Medications for behavioral, emotional or psychological conditions will not be administered on an ‘as needed’ basis. Specific, detailed guidelines must be provided to the school nurse and the Supervisor of Health Services for consideration as part of a student’s Individual Health Plan.
- ¨A parent, guardian or adult family member must deliver any medications to the school with the exception of rescue medications for the treatment of chronic health conditions.NEVER SEND MEDICINE OF ANY TYPE TO SCHOOL BY YOUR CHILD, (this is to include Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, etc.) except rescue inhaler, insulin, Diastat/Versed or Epi-Pen with written consent from your child’s doctor and the school nurse.
- ¨The school nurse or MCS Health Services supervisor must be notified for any student requesting permission to self-carry or self-administer medications.
- ¨All prescription medications must be brought in the original pharmacy labeled container with the student’s name, prescription number, medication name and dose, route of administration, date, prescriber’s name, pharmacy name, and telephone number.
- ¨If a parent/guardian is requesting off label, herbal or non-prescription medication to be administered, the physician must explain why the medication must be given at school and provide a signature. The health care provider must be a licensed prescriber (MD, DO, PA, NP, etc.). The Health Services Supervisor and/or MCS Medical Director may require additional documentation or refuse requests for administration of non FDA approved uses of off label medications.
- ¨Non-prescription medications must be sent in the original manufacturer container with the label intact and ingredients listed.
- ¨Students will receive no more than three doses of over the counter/non-prescription medications including Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and cough drops without a physician’s signature.
- ¨School personnel are not allowed to cut tablets.If your child receives a half dose, the pharmacist/parent/guardian is responsible for cutting the tablets before bringing them to the clinic or office.
- ¨Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school if there are any changes in health status or changes with medications.Any changes in medication administered at school will require a new form to be signed and submitted to the office prior to adjustments from the nurse or school staff being made.
- ¨All unused medication will only be returned to the parent / guardian / parent’s adult designee. If medication is not picked up within two weeks of the request being made, the medication will be discarded. No medication will be stored over the summer; medications left at the end of the school year will be discarded before the summer break begins.
SICK POLICY (see school nurse for more detailed policy)
- ¨Students that come to the clinic with a temperature of 100.0 degrees or greater, vomiting, diarrhea or unidentified or unexplained rash will be sent home for the remainder of the day.
- ¨Students must be fever free for 24 hours with no medicine to return to school
- ¨Students must have a 24 hour period with no vomiting or diarrhea with no medicine before returning to school.
- ¨Students must be picked up from school within an hour of the nurse contacting the parent/guardian.
Sara Walker, RN
Supervisor of School Health Services